I apologize for the long delay between blog posts... I've been super busy since we've been back and have neglected to update the blog. It was a bit tough at first getting back to business, but it didn't take very long to get back into the groove of life at home.
Here's Kylie trying out her new winter coat. It's reversible... and she has plenty of room to grow into it.

Kylie checking out some of the backyard fall colors.

We also made our maiden voyage to the new Ikea in Portland and bought this toy organizer, bucket-shelf system. Kylie couldn't resist the urge to try to help.

Here's Kylie joyfully pushing her grocery cart around the kitchen.

And Kylie trying on some of her fabulous costume jewelry.

Sometimes you just gotta wear sunglasses around the house.

And here's our little superstar.

Here she is helping momma clean up around the house.