Sunday, February 24, 2008

12/30 - 1/4/08

Kylie prancing around the family room with her tambourine.

Taking a self portrait.

Waving your arms in the air like you just don't care.

This is a rare sight. Usually Kylie chases off the cats by being too aggresive. Baby the cat (pictured her) rarely even wants to leave the bedroom.
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12/27 - 12/30

Kylie with a Tiger hand puppet and just overall being silly.

All geared up for a walk around the neighborhood.

Traci giving Kylie a pony ride.

Kylie banging out a beat on her tambourine.
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12/25 Christmas day part 2

Grandma Kate playing Kylie and Elmo.

Kylie loves Elmo. I don't know why young kids love Elmo so much, but they do.

Kylie mooching food from Nghia
and my mom.
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12/25 Christmas day

Kylie relaxing on the floor. (that's a joke, if you know Kylie she doesn't relax).

Here we are.

My aunt Phuong and Kylie.

Uncle Nghia with Kylie.
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12/24 - 12/25

Traci having a good time.

Great Uncle Tin, making sure Kylie likes her new hoody.

No Christmas is complete without giving out pictures of your kids to the Grandparents.

This is Christmas day, and Kylie all dressed up.
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12/24 Christmas Eve part 2

Kylie and some of her new clothes.

Kylie participating in unwrapping her own gifts.

Some new boots from my Auntie Bic

And a new hoody from Auntie Lori.
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12/24 Christmas Eve part 1

For years, our family has celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve to accomodate the other halves of people's families. On Christmas Day, we have another Christmas dinner for those that don't have other families to go to. This year, Christmas was at my cousin Jung and Lori's house in Snohomish, WA.

Kylie giving Gavin a hug. Gavin is 6+ months older than Kylie.

Some ring around the rosie.

My cousin Nghia hanging onto his precious smoked sausage.

So much love for little Kylie.
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12/24 Christmas Eve visit part 3

My Cousin Bic and her family of 4 kids (Taylor, Nathan, Ethan, and Gavin)

My mom and Ong.

Bic and Ong.

And my mom and I with Ong.
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12/24 Christmas Eve visit part 2

My Uncle Tin with Ong. You can see the concern he has for his father.

Ong and 4 of his 6 children. From Left to Right (Aunt Connie, my mom, Ong, Aunt Suong, Bac Tin).

My cousin Trang with her Dad and Ong.

My cousin Nghia with Ong and his Dad.
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12/24 Christmas Eve visit with Ong.

On Christmas Eve we as a family paid a visit to my grandfather at the Seattle Keiro nursing home. Since then, he has had some other complications and had to give up his bed at Seattle Keiro. The staff at the new place seem to be taking adequate care of him with round-the-clock supervision by my Uncle or Aunts.

My cousin brought Ong some Christmas gifts for him to open.

Here he is in his new fleece hat and jacket. When you don't have an ounce of fat on you, it's easy to get cold. He's just taking everything in.

Here my mom, and aunts challenge Ong to a game of rock, paper, scissors... but Ong threw out a wrench by throwing out the "Pencil". Pencil beats paper, but doesn't everything else beat pencil?
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