Saturday, April 19, 2008

3/2 Seattle - my last visit with my Grandfather (updated with Video)

Prior to leaving for Alaska, Kylie and I made a weekend trip up to Seattle to accomplish 2 things.
1. Visit my Grandfather
2. Complete my taxes

Ever since I've moved down to Portland, I've tried to make bi-monthly visits to Seattle/Redmond to visit my Grandfather and family. Over the last 2 years, his health has been in steady decline. Prior to any big trip (and I've had several over the last year), I've made a point to visit... never knowing which visit will be my last. And I thank Traci for encouraging me to do this, because she recognizes how important my family is to me and how dear my Grandfather is to me.

Those that know me well, know that I've had the privilege of having my Grandparents around all my childhood and adolescence. We all shared a home together until 1998 when my mom moved back down to California. At the time, I'm sure I didn't appreciate that fact like I do now. Now I know how fortunate I was and cherish the memories that I have.

Great Aunt Connie pushing Kylie.

It still saddens me to think of Ong (Vietnamese for Grandfather) in this state. It was good to see him, despite how frail he was.

Kylie coming up to say hi to Ong. Kylie was able to put a smile on Ong's face with just her sillyness and just being a kid. Ong has always appreciated seeing the various grandkids and greatgrandkids running around and just being kids.

If you can't tell...there is a smile here. Ong has always had a knowing smile.

The news of Ong's passing came while Traci, Kylie and I were in Anchorage, waking up from a mid afternoon nap. Like 9/11 and other significant events, you never forget where you were when you heard the news.

Kinh Trinh 1909 - March 9th, 2008
Link to the memorial tribute video:

Celebrating my uncle Tin's 65th Birthday at I Love Sushi. 2004

My mom and Ong at Pumpkin Ridge, 2006.

Ong and Bac Tin, 2007

Lot's of Lobster in Chinatown Seattle, 2004

Ong and Kylie at 4 weeks old, 2006

Ong and Kylie 4weeks old, 2006.

Ong and Kylie at 19weeks old, Oct. 2006.

The family, Jan 7th 2007

This is a rare 8mm video of me as a baby, and includes both my grandparents.

Rest in Peace Ong.

Cha'u thuong Ong! (I love you Grandpa!)

3/9 Alaska 2008

Welcome to Anchorage Alaska. This is the view from our Anhorage Sheraton Hotel. We decided to layover in Anchorage such that we didn't have to sleep for 5-6hours in the airport (which is not very comfortable by the way).

We met up with my old friend Ty Norrish who lives in Anchorage. We had a tasty Buffet brunch at the Old Sourdough Mining Co. It was much better than I expected. We've eaten here before, but have never had the buffet.

More view from the hotel later in the afternoon.

It was a nice day... not too cold either.
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3/6 - 3/7

"No that is not a black eye... but rather a crayola marker that seemed fun to poke in my eye."

Kylie and momma made a trip to the zoo to meet up with Cindy and Max.

Max and Kylie.

Kylie and momma.
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3/3 - 3/5

Kylie wanted to put her shoes on herself. If you look closely, you'll notice that they are on the wrong foot.
Regardless that's a pretty good victory for her.

"It's hard to chew with my fingers in my mouth."

I don't know what's going on here. Traci and Kylie had a playdate with Molly and Rowan Klein.

Here's Kylie and Rowan playing with the Xylophones.
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If the though of bodily fluids grosses you out... read no further.

We've been working on Potty Training for Kylie.

This was Kylie's first successful pee-pee in the potty. When you have enough pee the potty cheers "hooray".

Kylie working on some more.

Kylie likes playing with these pom-poms.
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Monday, April 07, 2008

2/18 - 2/19 (with video)

I apologize, these posts are out of sequence.

A very tired mommy. This was on the 18th. Our first day back from the Bahamas. And poor Traci had to work that day. I can now say that it's nice to have a down day at home before going back to work. It's rare that our travel schedules work out that way.

Kylie at the Park with Mom.

Riding the seahorse.

Some video of Kylie at the park discovering a new toy.

2/28 - 2/29

More Tricycle fun.

Making sure her helmet is firmly secured.

Kylie is getting into a phase where she loves ketchup. Here she's eating a veggie corndog. Everything is good if you dip it in ketchup first.

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2/20 - 2/27

Kylie giving momma a good hug.

and a kiss.

Traci recently brought out this hand-me-down tricycle. Kylie is starting to learn to ride it. Though on the carpet it's difficult.

And of course it's important to wear your safety gear when engaging in dangerous activities. We are trying to create good habits here.
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Sunday, April 06, 2008

2/17 Bahamas farewell

2/17/08: Sunday
Time to pack it all in and head back to the cold Northwest. We got up early and finished packing. We met up with our Taxi driver, and headed to the airport. Along the way, he pointed out the cemetery that is the final resting place for Anna Nicole Smith and her son. Customs was easy, and we had some down time at the Nassau airport.

We also had a 3 hour layover in Newark, NJ. Thankfully the time went by quickly. And better yet. Kylie nearly slept the entire flight home.

Bye-bye Bahamas. It was a good visit. We’ll see you again.

One last view out the patio.

Kylie at the Nassau airport.

Kylie and Mommy at Newark in the Continental terminal. It looked so familiar to us since we had just been there last fall flying in and out of Europe on sabbatical.
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