Thursday, November 13, 2008

10/21 - 10/23

Kelsey giving some smiles out (for free!)

Like father, like daughter.

Spending some quality time before they leave for Sacramento to spend time with Traci's parents.

We got them off to the aiport okay, and Traci survived flying with the two kids alone (if that makes any sense?). I heard the Horizon Air Flight attendant was very helpful and sat with Kylie while Traci had to change Kelsey. That's the kind of service we haven't seen on many other carriers (e.g. Northwest Airlines).
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1 comment:

Allison said...

Traveling with babies is really tough, especially when there isn't another adult to help you. Throw in a toddler, and that makes Traci a saint Chris!

We keep a blog too. I think you can get to it through my blogger profile. If not, let me know.