Sunday, May 20, 2007

April 16 - 26th Kauai (Set 18)

A little birdy came to say hello near our balcony.

For the first time ever, we rented a Cabana on the beach. I forget how much it was... something like $35 or so for the day. In one sense, a total rip-off. In another sense, it's a cozy lounge for you to retreat back to... and having Kylie and all our day-stuff (since we had already checked out our room), it was very nice.

Here's our bronze little baby chillin' with momma.

This cute little girl, Lisa, who was being neglected by her parents (Their from the UK, though she was born in Germany)... came by to ask if Kylie could play. It probably wasn't so obvious to her that Kylie was too little to play. But Traci, being the big heart that she is told her to come back in a bit when I got back. So Lisa wanted to go slide down the water slide at the nearby pool. She asked her dad if she could go with us. He didn't seem to have much problem with that, which by American standards is way crazy. Good thing we're not a couple of psycho's... right? Well, we went and played by the pool for an hour or so. Then later Traci, Kylie and Lisa made a sandcastle. One thing I'll say is that Lisa is a very sweet and cute little girl... it'd be hard for anyone to say "no" to her.
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