Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 9th (Gymboree Mom's group birthday party) Set 1

After a little nap for the ladies, we made our journey to Gymboree by Bridgeport Village. Traci's mom's group had planned a group birthday party for the kids. They are all about the same age within a few weeks of eachother. This was my first visit to Gymboree. As Mike said to me, "I hope you're not diabetic," implying that everything is just too sugary sweet. I'll admit it, it's a great a place for kids... Laurie hired a professional photographer, so we should be getting some good pictures to share soon!

It didn't take Kylie long to find something to play with.

Here the kids are gathered around a slide to watch the balls fall into a bucket. As soon as they're done... they sing the "pick-up the balls" song. Everything at gymboree has a song... a "sugary sweet" song.

That is a face of joy, not of pain and anguish. She was having fun bouncing on the little trampoline with Traci. Once Traci got off she couldn't get much bounce, but she had fun none-the-less.

Here's Ryan climbing up the slide to meet Kylie at the top.
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