Here's our tour guide Dave Johnson.

We did travel with our stroller. It worked out pretty well. No apparent damage. We did buy the travel bag for our stroller. It's $40, but when you gate check it, it should help prevent them from breaking pieces off and losing them, etc. I will tell you that it's nice to have the stroller just for walking from gate to gate during flight transfers. We didn't have the stroller when we laid over in Atlanta, and as a testament to my weakness, my arms were killing me after carrying Kylie in her car seat. She's over 15lbs. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it was enough for me. Conclusion: gate check the stroller and pick it up no matter how short your layover.

Ah yes, this is one of the channel inlets into Venice. And all along the beach we were seeing dolphins. It's very difficult to get a picture of these dolphins. They don't surface for very long. The black bump sticking out of the water is the dorsal fin.

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