We slept hard last night, but not long enough. Kylie first woke up at 5:30AM (10:30 AM UK time). She fell back asleep for nearly 2 more hours, so we got 8 hours of sleep. Not bad, but not enough after a full day of traveling.
We were up and ready to go by 10AM. The earliest so far this trip. Our missing luggage was already delivered to the Hotel by the time we called down.
We had breakfast at a nearby restaurant that the Concierge recommended. It’s nice to be paying for things in US Dollars again. The exchange rate for Pounds definitely makes things expensive. The Souvenir T-shirts from the Hard Rock London were roughly $35 each at 17.50 Pounds each.
After breakfast, we ventured out to the Holocaust museum. Unfortunately Kylie fell asleep in the car, and didn’t stay asleep in the museum. She did really well in the Baby backpack though (good thing we got it back). We must have spent at least 3 hours there. It’s amazing to recount the atrocities of the Holocaust, and particularly how unwilling other nations were to take Jewish exiles in.
We came back to the Hotel so Traci and Kylie could take a nap. I wandered around a bit, and picked up my Washington D.C. Starbucks mug.
Later we ventured out to the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall Memorial, WWII memorial, and walked to the Washington Monument. They had a live Jazz concert going on. Kind of cool to hear the music blaring from the monument as you approach. By this time it was dark, and Kylie needed to eat before having to go to bed. So we headed back to the car, and went in search of food.
After getting turned around several times on I-395, we found food, and drove by the Capitol Building. Then headed back to the hotel to call it a night.
Tomorrow we will walk by the White House, and the Capitol Building. Sometime in the afternoon we’ll head to Williamsburg, VA. Our next stop on our journey. It should only be about 2 hours from here.
At the Lincoln memorial.

The view from the reflecting pond.

At the Washington Monument.

Me at the base of the Washington Monument.

The Capitol Dome

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