Today was the first day that we were ready to leave the room by noon! Quite an achievement, but I think everyone was finally adjusted to the time change (that and we set an alarm). Today we decided to make a trip to the Chateau de Versaille. The RER was down, and unfortunately we didn’t learn this until we bought our day pass for the metro. The alternate route was via the “Suburban Trains” or “Ile de Paris”. These were great, only about 15 minutes point to point. Plus another 15 minute walk from the train station to the Chateau.
After dealing with the stroller in Paris yesterday, we thought today would be a good day for the baby backpack. It was by far the nicest day we had in Europe so far, which means, it was a hot day for the backpack, not that big of a deal though.
We waited in line for our tickets, stopped to feed Kylie Lunch before going in the museum. It was 3PM by this time. And when we finally tried to go inside, we learned that Baby Backpacks aren’t allowed inside the Chateau. And because they had already signed off on our tickets before being screened by their X-Ray, we couldn’t get a direct refund. So we talked to their information desk, explained the situation, and they told us we had to write them a letter explaining why we need a refund. Our trip to Versaille was very frustrating, and was nearly a complete waste of time. Except that the Gardens in the back of the palace are free and open to the public at 5PM but close at 5:30PM. So we had a little time to walk around. Versaille is a pleasant city, that still has some of the old-world feel. Much different than Paris, but flip side is that there are more tourists than native French people.
In Summary, the Chateau de Versaille is NOT a baby friendly place to be. Granted we could’ve just gave up the back-pack and carried Kylie around and let her walk a bit, but it didn’t seem feasible at the time.
We went back to the hotel, fed Kylie, and then headed out for the Notre Dame Cathedral. I didn’t realize it until afterwards, but we could see the top of Notre Dame from our hotel room. Hopefully, we got a couple decent pictures. Once again, I realize how beneficial it would be to have a tripod to get some great night shots Next time! Maybe before the end of our trip, I’ll pick one up? Notre Dame was beautiful. Last time I was here, the façade was all covered up with Scaffolding, and you couldn’t appreciate the detail of its architecture. It’s quite intricate.
After putting Kylie to bed, I went in search of some Authentic French Crepes au Beurre a Sucre. I found a stand not too far away. They were much better than the crappy one I had outside the CN tower in Toronto.
Kylie sitting with me on the Train to Versaille.

The Chateau... I think of it as more of a palace, but I suppose if it's not your primary residence, then Chateau would be appropriate?

Peeping through the wall. We let Kylie eat and get some of wiggles out before we attempted to go inside and after we bought our tickets.

Here's Kylie making friends with some of the Garden statues.

Notre Dame Cathedral at night.

Notre Dame from another angle.

Kylie started playing with my shoes, and was trying them on for size. I will qualify, that she did this on her own... these are not staged photos. Initially she tried walking with the feet pointing backwards.

Traci in all her glory. Eating the Crepe I brought back to her in bed, while watching a movie.

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